Updated: December 1, 2023
Filing a civil action (includes a $55.00 administrative fee) The administrative fee does not apply to applications for a writ of habeas corpus or to persons granted in forma pauperis status under 28 U.S.C § 1915. |
$405.00 |
Filing a writ of habeas corpus | $5.00 |
Filing a notice of appeal with the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal1 | $605.00 |
Filing an appeal to a district judge from a judgment of conviction by a magistrate judge in a misdemeanor case | $41.00 |
Filing any document that is not related to a pending case or proceeding | $52.00 |
Conducting a search of the district court records | $34.00 |
Reproducing and transmitting, in any manner, a copy of an electronic record stored outside of the Court's electronic case management system. | $31.00 |
Central Violations Bureau Processing Fee | $30.00 |
Certification of any document or page | $12.00 |
Exemplification of any document or page | $24.00 |
Issuance of an Apostille | $50.00 |
Taxable Witness Fee | $40.00 |
Certification of the results of a search of the records (clearance letter), per name | $30.00 |
Reproduction of any record and providing in paper form (per page) | $0.50 |
Printing from public access terminals, per page | $.10 |
Reproduction of an audio recording of a court proceeding | $34.00 |
Retrieval of record from the Federal Records Center2 | $70.00 |
Electronic Record Retrieval from the Federal Records Center3 | $20.90 |
Payment returned or denied for insufficient funds, or reversed due to a chargeback | $53.00 |
Admission of attorney to practice | $199.00 |
Notice of Special Appearance | $25.00 |
Certificate of Good Standing or Duplicate certificate of admission | $21.00 |
Filing an action brought under Title III of the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996 | $7,202 |
1When a direct appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court is authorized by law, the fee to be paid to the district court clerk
is $5.00. The docketing of appeal filing fee is determined by the Supreme Court Rules and is to be paid directly to
the Supreme Court clerk.
2$70 for first box, $43 for any additional boxes.
3For electronic retrievals, $20.90 (plus FRC Per Page Fee of $0.65 per page).
Notice to Customers Making Payment by Check When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. When we use information from your check to make an electronic fund transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we recieve your payment, and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution. We will keep your check for three to 14 business days, after which time your check will be shredded. Privacy Act A Privacy Act Statement required by 5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(3) stating our authority to for soliciting and collecting the information from your check, and explaining the purposes and routine uses that will be made of your check information, is available from the U.S. Department of the Treasury's website at: http://fms.treas.gov/otcnet/index.html Or, to obtain a copy by mail you can call: 1-866-945-7920 Local Number (Toll Free) 1-302-324-6442 Delaware 1-510-428-6824 Military DSN (Option 4, Option 5, Option 4) Furnishing check information is voluntary, but a decision not to do so may require that you to make payment by some other method. |