The Court provides evidence presentation equipment to any member of the bar practicing within the Middle District of North Carolina. The system displays evidence throughout the courtroom on monitors located on the benches, witness stand, jury box and counsel tables. Some courtrooms are equipped with TVs that display to the gallery. Counsel should contact the Judge's Case Manager at least a week before commencement of your hearing and/or trial. Training and testing sessions for this equipment should be requested well in advance as instruction cannot be provided on the day of the proceeding by either the Courtroom or Clerks Office staff. Please use the links provided on this page to request training for courtroom equipment.
Equipment Available For Use
An evidence camera, monitors, and connections for a laptop are standard equipment.
- Monitors are located on the witness stand and on counsel tables.
- A document camera is located within all the courtrooms which projects documents, photographs, X-Rays, Negatives, Transparencies and 3D objects.
- Each counsel table is equipped with two monitors, a laptop connection, and an audio connection. Note that for larger trials, additional monitors can be added.
Requesting Training and Reference Guides
The Court requires that users of the system be trained by the Systems Department. They can be contacted at <br>336-332-6025 to arrange a training session, approval for use has been granted. If counsel choose to use their own system, they are to contact opposing counsel and the trial Judge's Case Manager prior to commencement of their trial and/or hearing.