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Zoomgov Remote Proceeding Access Information - 4/28/2020

In accordance with the United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina Amended Standing Order 13, Standing Order 15 and for the duration of this national and state emergency as to the novel coronavirus known as Covid-19, Judges of this Court may conduct video and teleconferencing for civil and criminal hearings, including the use of Zoomgov for remote proceedings, when consent is provided in accordance with applicable statutes and rules of the Judicial Conference of the United States of America.

NOTICE – Recording/Broadcasting Prohibitions
Persons remotely accessing court proceedings are reminded of the general prohibition against photographing, recording, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings (including those held by telephone or videoconference).  See LR 83.7.  Violation of these prohibitions may be punishable as contempt and result in sanctions, including removal of court issued media credentials, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the court.

AUTHORIZED PARTICIPANTS – Zoomgov Remote Videoconference Access Information
Remote on-line access for authorized participants will be facilitated using Zoomgov.  A personal Zoom account is not required, but participants are welcome to establish one if they so desire to assist with training and familiarity with how the process works.

This court remains ever mindful of the need for public access to its proceedings and particularly of a criminal defendant’s right to a public trial. For the duration of this national emergency, our courtrooms remain open for members of the public (including media, family members, victims, and the general public) to observe proceedings, including those using Zoomgov technology.